Политика конфиденциальности


The owner of this website will hereinafter be referred to as "the Company". The users or visitors of the Company's corporate websites are referred to as "the Customer", regardless of whether they place orders for services or products from our Company. This privacy statement applies to the customers served by the Company but also to ordinary visitors of its websites.

The Company strictly adheres to a specific security policy, including the Data Processing Policy and Ensuring the Confidentiality of Communications. The Company takes all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality of the Customer's communications and to protect the Personal Data it has declared to the Company in accordance with the relevant legislation, the Regulations of ADAE and the Privacy Policy of Communications (Security Policy) that adheres. The Company does not guarantee the security of data transmitted through networks, to the extent that their protection is not achieved by taking appropriate security measures imposed by the relevant institutional and / or regulatory framework.

If a visitor / user does not agree with the terms of processing of personal data provided in this section must not use the services of this website and delete the account (if any) that he maintains with us.

Relevant Legislation

The collection, storage and maintenance of up-to-date communication data is done with the sole purpose of verifying the submitted data, ensuring the continuation of services and customer service of the Company, within the framework of the company's data operation and security regulations and contractual its legal obligations to provide satisfactory services to its customers. The Company provides services of creating web pages and technical support for the proper operation of its services .

The Company Security Policy is guided by:

  • the relevant provisions of the National Law on Personal Data Protection and on ensuring the Confidentiality of Communications (indicatively we refer to Law 2472/1997 on the protection of personal data, Law 3471/2006 on the protection of privacy in the sector of electronic communications as they stand today,
  • the Regulations for Ensuring the Confidentiality of Communications of A.D.A.E. as published in Government Gazette 87 & 88 / 26-1-2005 and are in force, the P.D. 47/2005),
  • the relevant provisions of Community Law (European General Data Protection Regulation / FVO - 2016/679).

The relevant texts are publicly available on the respective websites of the competent supervisory / control Authorities, ie the Data Protection Authority (APDPH, www.dpa.gr), the Communications Confidentiality Authority (A.D.A.E. ., www.adae.gr) and the National Telecommunications Committee & Post Office (Ε.Ε.Τ.Τ., www.eett.gr). In any case, our company's communications privacy policy is based on the above provisions, and is updated on a periodic basis, depending on technology developments and applicable law.

Visitors as well as registered members of the services of the website https://www.testdriver.gr , subject to the provisions:

  • of Greek law (Law 2472/1999 “on personal data protection” as in force, of Law 2774/1999 “on protection of personal data in the telecommunications sector”, of Law 2472/1997 as supplemented by the decisions of the Chairman of the Committee for Personal Data Protection, Presidential Decrees 207/1998 and 79/2000 and Article 8 of Law 2819/2000).
  • and European law: Directives 95/46 / EC - 97/66 / EC and the European General Data Protection Regulation / GBER: EU 2016/679),

agree to and accept the processing of personal data in accordance with what is described in this statement.

Information about the data we collect

Data we collect

Any internet user visiting https://www.testdriver.gr is not required to submit personal information to use the website.

If the visitor wishes to fill in the Company contact form, then he will be asked to state the following information:

  • first and last name
  • name of organization (if it represents a legal entity)
  • city of residence or headquarters of the organization
  • landline and / or mobile phone
  • e-mail address

If you choose to contact us using the contact form or e-mail link, none of the data you provide will be stored on this site or transferred or processed by any third party data processing provider.

Instead, this data will be emailed to us via the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Our SMTP servers are protected by a TLS security protocol, which means that e-mail content is encrypted before being sent over the Internet. Email content is decrypted from our local computers and devices.

If a visitor wishes to comment on any post on our blog, they will be asked to provide the following information: their name and email address which will be stored in this site's database along with their IP address your computer and the time and date you submitted the comment. This information is used only to identify you as contributors to the comments section of the respective blog post and is not passed on to any of the editors described in detail below. Only your name will appear on the site that the public sees.

Your comment and associated personal information will remain on this site until 1.) you remove the comment or 2.) you remove the blog post. If you want to delete your comment and related personal data, contact us at info@testdriver.gr using the email address you commented on.

If the visitor wishes to obtain the services of the Company, then he will be asked to state the following information:

  • first and last name
  • name of organization (if it represents a legal entity)
  • Tax ID, Tax Office and professional activity (if he is a self-employed person or if he represents a legal entity)
  • home or organization address
  • landline and / or mobile phone
  • e-mail address

If the visitor wishes to take part in any of the updates (eg newsletter), events or activities taking place on this website he / she should only state his / her email address. If you choose to subscribe to our newsletter, the email address you submit to us will be forwarded to the MailChimp platform that provides our email marketing services.

MailChimp is a third party data processing provider. The email address you submit will not be stored in the on-site database or on any of our computer systems.

Your email address will remain in the MailChimp Database as long as we continue to use MailChimp's services or until you explicitly request its removal from the list. You can do this using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of all the newsletters we send you. As long as your email address remains in your MailChimp database, you will receive periodic email updates from us.

The Company may keep on file and process the personal data it will receive after clear information and consent of the data subject, for a specific purpose, for a specific duration and safely.

Purpose of data collection

The personal data declared to the Company are limited to the absolutely necessary data and only for the purpose for which they were declared by the Customer such as:

  • The provision of any services you have requested from us, such as e.g. to sign up for the email notification service.
  • Receiving answers to your questions online (email or contact form at testdriver.gr ) or processing requests & nbsp; online (email or contact form at testdriver.gr ) regarding your details.
  • The provision and personalization of our services.
  • Managing registration service files.

When the Customer sends to the Company a question or request via the internet (email or contact form at testdriver.gr ), he is immediately notified and asked for his consent to the fact that whatever information he provides, is used from the Company to answer his question electronically.

Data Retention Time

Personal information is kept secure for as long as the Customer is registered in a service of the Company and are deleted after the termination of the transaction with the Company in any way or if this is requested by the customer.


Sharing personal data

The Company, in the context of the operation of its website https://www.testdriver.gr expressly states that the data of any kind, which are collected through this website are completely confidential and will not be sold, rented, transferred or disclosed to any third party and for any reason, except with a few, specific Organizations where it is absolutely necessary to provide the service that the customer will acquire:

  • For the registration of domain names: In the Domain Name Registers for the maintenance of their database (inside and outside the EU).
  • For web hosting: In any third party organization, it is extremely rare for a third party technician (eg Plesk, Virtuozzo) to have limited time-controlled access to troubleshooting third-party software.
  • For SSL issuance: The SSL issuance authorities (eg Verisign, Thawte, Comodo, etc.) to maintain their database and perform the required data validation checks (inside and outside the EU).
  • In its accounting office for the keeping of our books and the entries of the relevant accounting entries.
  • Upon a court or prosecutorial order or a request from a police authority to conduct an investigation.

The Company does not have a publicly accessible list of email addresses or other details of its customers.

When someone communicates with the Company via email, then depending on the nature of the request / query, the type and scope of the information requested, the competent representative of the Company will first check whether the sender's email address is authorized for communication (to receive answers or information or to request the execution of a task from the Company) and in any case will give him information that concerns exclusively the client account to which his email address is connected.

The Company does not provide information (and special personal data) via email, telephone and live chat, and even if the customer has been previously identified, it refers him to receive the information through his service management account at https://www.testdriver.gr .

The Company considers confidential the requests completed by its customers and the e-mails they send through its services and does not transfer their content only to the directly interested recipient and to the law, if requested or in the event that the content of the message is considered to be infringing on or associated with illegal activities.

If a Customer or user enters a false email address or tries to take someone else's place when posting information online, all information - as well as the user's IP address - will be part of any legitimate investigation that may be ordered.


The Company's employees may need to process each email in collaboration with its technical department. If a Customer asks an employee of the Company to assist him in any matter concerning the services he has acquired from the Company (eg operation of his website), then the representative will be able to access part or all (depending on the rating his) the range of technical and online information relevant to the Customer's request.

Consent & data subject rights

Consent of data processing subject

The consent of the subject of personal data on the website testdriver.gr, is one of the legal bases for processing within the framework of the EU GDPR and in the Company has the following necessary characteristics:

  • Unbundled : consent requests are separate from other terms and conditions. Consent is not a condition for subscribing to a service unless it is required for that service.
  • Active consent : We do not use pre-filled checkboxes but invalid checkboxes or similar active opt-in methods (eg a binary option depending on preference).
  • Very specific : we give detailed options to consent individually to different types of processing, where needed.
  • Nominal : We name our organization and any third parties (where required) based on user consent.
  • Easy to withdraw : we tell our users that they have the right to withdraw their consent at any time and how to do so, having made it as easy to withdraw as they are to consent with simple and effective mechanisms for its consent and withdrawal.
  • Balanced : there is no imbalance in the relationship between the individual and the Company and the rights of both are protected and secured to the highest degree in order to achieve the purpose of both (acquisition and use of services and provision of services respectively).

Data subject rights

We know and have proven to protect all legal rights of the subject protected by GDPR:

  • We grant the right to access the data
  • We reserve the right to correct the data
  • We grant the right to delete data
  • We reserve the right to restrict data processing
  • Notify us of the correction or deletion or restriction of editing, if and when it occurs
  • Provide data portability in a structured, compatible and machine-readable format
  • We reserve the right to object to the processing of data

If you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding the management or protection by the Company of your personal data or if you wish to modify your personal data or exercise any of your rights as a data subject, please contact us at the address info@testdriver.gr.

We respond to the requests of the subjects within the stipulated time frame (within 1 month from the receipt of the request).

Security measures for data protection

How we protect personal data

Data protection planning involves the collection of data from customers, the storage of data, the transmission of data requested by customers and the management of data by its employees in the performance of their duties and only under the conditions provided by the Company.

All data recorded and hosted on the Company's infrastructure are stored on the server of the website which is protected by the strongest possible levels of security measures. More specifically:

Access to our offices and computers is restricted to company employees.

The grading of each user's access to the Company's systems is based on his role in the company.

Storing and accessing passwords used by employees to access websites, locally installed applications, and managing services and servers is done through secure encryption.

The computers in our offices are configured to idle for 5 minutes (eg in the absence of the operator) to lock the computer and ask for its user code.

We have antivirus software installed on all our PCs, which is always valid and up-to-date, for protection against threats such as viruses, ransomware and generally malware and we only use legally acquired or open source software (Windows, Linux etc ).

A specific subset of employees in the Company has access to our customers' data (and only for support purposes) wherever and to the extent that is deemed absolutely necessary.

All employees have been briefed on security and handling of personal data.

User passwords on our website administrator testdriver.gr are stored encrypted.

The hosting provider of our website testdriver.gr , uses a special version of the Linux operating system, which isolates the file system of each website, so that any file infection of a website or access to the files of a website web page (for example by intercepting passwords on the ftp server or exploiting vulnerabilities in the user application) can not be extended to other web pages and server files.

Email handling & nbsp; via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and none of the data you provide will be stored on this site testdriver.gr & nbsp; or transferred or processed by any third party data processing provider . SMTP servers are protected by a TLS security protocol, which means that e-mail content is encrypted before being sent over the Internet. The contents of the email are decrypted by our local computers and devices. The e-mail services used are provided through the servers of DNHOST and Google (GMAIL) providers which comply with the GDPR. & Nbsp; The Newsletter service is provided through the servers of the MAILCHIMP provider which & nbsp; complies with the GDPR.

The website, email servers and newsletter server operate in HTTPS environment: // with the coverage of a special SSL certificate that proves that all data transmitted through the contact form and the Newsletter form are encrypted.

The regular application of the latest (and fixed) software updates is observed, especially the security updates, service packs and hot fixes, as soon as they are published, as a necessary security condition of our entire IT system (office computers and servers).

Monitoring the operation of our services and detecting malware in real time is the catalyst for preventing and responding to security incidents on the servers hosted on our network.

The website server and the provider's network are protected by the following security measures:

  • protection against DDOS attacks with three different firewalls
  • protection against hackers, bots trying to gain access to websites
  • protection against spam, viruses & phishing email
  • Automatic vulnerabilities in installed software (eg WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Automatically check for and remove malware from other websites it hosts
  • disable infected / vulnerable web applications and update them to upgrade and strengthen their security.

On the website server, there is a continuous (on a 24-hour basis) automatic execution of processes that check for failed logins and the IP addresses from which the connection attempts are made are temporarily or permanently blocked.

On the server of the website, a scheduled and systematic backup of the data of the PCs is applied, for their restoration after any sudden failure. In addition to scheduled and regular backups, a snapshot is taken shortly before a major upgrade or data transfer begins.

On the web server & nbsp; on a daily and weekly basis, backups are backed up and the data that moves between the server and the backup system is encrypted when sent.

Dealing with personal data breach

According to art. 33 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the Company, in case of an incident of violation of personal data which may endanger the rights and freedoms of the persons concerned by the incident, will notify the incident to the Protection Authority. Personal data.

This notification must be made without delay within 72 hours from the time the Company is informed of the incident. The notification will contain a set of relevant information (nature / extent of the incident, categories of persons affected, cause and effect, actions taken to address it, etc.). Even if all the relevant information is not available at the time of submission of the notification, it will be submitted as an initial and will be updated in the future, without undue delay (with the submission of an additional notification).

Cookies & marketing

Cookies policy on testdriver.gr

During any user visit to the Company's site, the pages he sees along with the cookies they may contain, are "loaded" (downloaded) on his device. Cookies are text files with a unique identification code, through which the Company's server identifies the user's computer. Cookies record only the areas of the site that the computer in question has visited and for how long and are called First-party cookies and include session & persistent cookies:

  • Session cookies, ie temporary cookies that remain in the cookies file of your device browser only during your visit and are deleted when you close the browser. These are intended for visitors (visitor shopping cart) and for logged in customers (to maintain their connection) until the cookie expires (until deleted from the browser for visitors and two hours for logged in users).
  • Persistent cookies (persistent cookies), which remain in the cookies file of your device browser even after the browser is closed, sometimes for a year or more (the exact duration depends on the lifespan of each cookie ) until the cookie is deleted from the user's device. Permanent cookies are used to remember the username or user preferences regarding the customization of our website.

The user has the ability at any time to configure his computer to accept the existence of cookies, to be notified when a cookie is issued or to reject the installation of cookies. In case the user has set his browser (browser: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari etc) to reject cookies, he can browse the Company's site anonymously, until the moment when he will need to fill in some of the forms and then it is necessary to accept them.

Browser cookie settings & devices

To manage your cookies, please select your browser from the list below and follow the instructions:

Mobile devices:

Display Adverting Policy, Remarketing & Google analytics

We have implemented and use Display Advertising. The Google Analytics features we implemented are based on Display Advertising (eg, Remarketing). Visitors can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and personalize Google Display Network ads using Ads Preferences Manager

We use Remarketing with Google Analytics to advertise our business online.

We use third-party vendors, including Google, who display our ads on sites all over the Internet. We and third party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies (such as Google Analytics cookies) and third-party cookies (third-party cookies, such as DoubleClick cookies) in parallel to inform, optimize and run ads based on someone's past visits to our site.

If you disagree with any of these advertising strategies please use the opt-out option with the tool Google Analytics opt-out browser .

In Google Analytics we use a variable to anonymize the IP addresses of our visitors, which hides the last digits so that there is no case of associating a person with a specific IP address.

The site uses Google Analytics (GA) to track the activity of its visitors / users. We use this data to determine the number of people who use our site, to better understand how they find and use our web pages, and to see their progress within the site.

Although GA records data such as your geographical location, your device, your web browser and your operating system, none of this information is made personally known to us. GA also records your computer's IP address, which could be used to identify you, but Google does not give us access to it. Google is a third party data processor.

GA uses cookies, details of which can be found in the Google Developer Guides. Disabling cookies in your browser will prevent GA from tracking any part of your visit to pages within this site.

You can control and / or delete cookies according to your wishes. Details can be found here: aboutcookies.org. You can delete all cookies already on your computer, as well as configure most browsers to prevent cookies from being installed.

However, in this case, you may need to adjust some preferences yourself each time you visit a site, and some services may also not work.

Google Analytics Cookies

Google Analytics cookies are performance analysis / logging cookies that allow us to collect anonymous information about how visitors use our site. These cookies can inform us about how many visitors use the website, the time and duration of access, while also providing information on how visitors navigate to different parts of the website. This information helps us to improve the way our website works. It is anonymous information and does not contain personal data.

The information collected by Google Analytics cookies about our website is transferred and stored on Google servers in accordance with Google's privacy policy.

For more information about Google Analytics, please click here .

You can disable tracking from Google Analytics by clicking here .

If you disable these cookies, your use of the website will not be counted, nor will it be used in the statistics we collect to improve the services we provide through the website. The operation of the site will not be affected.

Cookies from video service providers (Google, Vimeo, DailyMotion, etc.)

These providers may place cookies on your device if you watch videos on our website that provide us with an external service.

If you disable these cookies, you may not be able to view embedded videos from our site.

Cookies from social networks

Third party social networks can place cookies on your device if you choose to share content from our site with them by clicking on one of the built-in buttons titled "Share".

Facebook pixel policy

We have installed the Facebook pixel code on our website to record information about how visitors use our site, to send targeted ads to specific audiences, and to measure the effectiveness of our ads. of our campaigns.

We request and obtain the consent of the user before Facebook can monitor the activity of a user on our site, with an instant consent message on our website (cookie acceptance request) to change the way the Facebook pixel is activated at that moment.

Links to other sites

Please note that the Company's website https://www.testdriver.gr may contain links to other websites and are governed by other privacy statements whose content may differ from this Privacy Statement. Please review the privacy policy of each site you visit before disclosing any personal information.

& nbsp;

If you do not agree to the above personal data processing policy you must not use the services of this website and delete the account (if any) you maintain with us.

For users under 18 years of age, it is considered a given to obtain the prior consent of the parents / guardians in each case of declaration of personal data on the Company's website.

The Company reserves the right to change this data policy, always in accordance with the Laws and Greek and European Law.


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